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VITALITY: Let's Talk About Dementia.

VITALITY: Let's Talk About Dementia.

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Thank you for coming along on learning more about YOU, and how your next decades can become your NEXT BEST DECADES.


If you ever have any questions, always feel free to contact me:  Thank you.




You hear me, and read what I write about your NEXT BEST DECADES, and taking the small steps daily to stack the deck in our favor to make that come true.


But let's start talking about some of the diseases and disorders that Americans face, especially as we reach the 'Golden Years', and one we have to discuss is dementia.


A recent article, (found here: DEMENTIA) gives a rather sobering look into our coming years. The study that looked at 15,000 people over decades points to Americans doubling the cases of dementia by 2060. The article points that a major contributor to the memory robbing disease is aging itself. If you are a follower of mine, then you know I have a major problem with just labeling AGING as the problem. It is not the aging process, it is what we have done, and do, that pushes these diseases and disorders to add to our backpack of physical, mental/emotional, and toxic stresses we accumulate over those years.


Some research shows that as many as 40% of Americans will have some form of dementia after age 55. (see here: 55). If this doesn't give you pause, I am not sure what would.


Even looking at the numbers of cases of dementia may double in a short time (found here: DOUBLING).


To be very open, the American health care system is in no way ready, or able to withstand the onslaught of American needing 24 hour care, 7 days a week, for years.


AND, if you know me, I never tell you that the house is on fire without showing the way out. So here we go.


If we know that a hurricane is coming then we take precautions, we prepare for it. With all the news about how bad things are going to be, we need to take positive actions to decrease our chances for the hurrcane to do damage.


1. MOTION. YES, there ARE things you can do to help your brain be better. But let's stop looking at these steps in such a single bullet philosophy. MOTION is great for your brain, your body, your sleep, your emotions, your digestion, your immunity, just to name a few. MOTION is a LOT easier than we think, and takes a LOT less time than we would believe. Take a look here: MOTION.  Simply putting in 150 minutes a week, or to cut down on the time, then increase the intensity, to make it 75 minutes a week. In Empire Longevity we discuss the 5 ASPECTS OF MOTION; Cardio, Power, Flexibility, Balance, and Posture. Work on ALL 5 of these as much as possible as your brain & body will learn more, quicker, and better.


2. EAT THIS. Again, eating for brain health will help with body, and overall health. See this study: EAT THIS. There is nothing in there that is radical to eat, it is very simple as a matter of fact. YES, it may be different for you, but if you want a different future, then we will need a different plan now.


3. DON'T EAT THIS: If there are things we SHOULD eat, then there will be things we SHOULD NOT eat. This is very simple also. Read here: DON'T EAT THIS. It is really a matter of taking the stuff that can increase inflammation, increase cancer, increase aging, and eliminating those. I'd also look into cutting way back on, or eliminating alcohol. Totally.


4. SLEEP. I take my sleep very seriously, and have for years. The benefits to a regimen of sleep is absolutely critical for overall health. We make time, and patterns for infants and young ones, but as adults we often have the idea that "I'll sleep when I am dead" while actually pushing to see how quickly that philosophy will come true. Read: SLEEP

Taking a quick look at the above list and you will see that none of these are outrageous, expensive, or undoable. On the contrary, they are all reasonable, effective, and cost-effective. AND - they will benefit you in numerous ways, NOT just for a better brain, but for a better you.

Need help? Email me: and let's see how I can help YOU to make your next decades, your NEXT BEST DECADES.


There is no one single bullet to make your longevity a reality. It takes small steps done every day, consistently for years. Yes, it seems daunting, but the benefits are outrageous. - Dr. J.


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