By Dr. Otto Janke on Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Category: Uncategorized

Longevity: Starting From the End.

So you have decided, or having been making those steps to enhance your next decades, but you are not fully sure where to start or fully engage for your NEXT BEST DECADES.

THIS is one of the staggering aspects of LONGEVITY, in that many people just don't know where to start. So they don't. In a sense of massive overwhelm the days, the weeks, the months, and then the years go by with no plan, no improvement, no change. There is a distinct train of thought that says "There is no way I can improve my next decades by some small thing today". 

While in fact, it is the ONLY way you can influence your next decades, and that HAS to be by what you do today. 

In Empire Longevity, we have revised and re-energized the definition of longevity from the Merriam-Webster "someone's long life" - which may be the most boring definition to unexcite a person for more years, to our new, and improved definition:   "The Act and Intent of Being So Healthy, That you Leave Something Great Behind by What you Have Done Today"

When this new definition I think we really have something solid to stand on, and build upon.

But let's for one moment take a view starting from the end.

This is a video that came from the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation. I think it really hits the point. It makes us stop for a moment and take a look into what our last 10 years CAN be.

Imagine the small steps you could take today to stack the deck in your favor for MORE BETTER YEARS.

I'd love to help you along the way, and I look forward to many more years with you.


-Dr. Otto Janke, Chief Pilot

Empire Longevity

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