The 'VITAL' Longevity Steps.


From the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, we find the definition for VITAL:



  • 1. absolutely necessary or important; essential:

"Absolutely NECESSARY". Let's start THERE. Those things that are absolutely necessary for us to reach the coveted 'more better years' we banter about often in Empire Longevity.

What are those things that are essential for us? Sometimes it is easier to list the multitude of things that are NOT essential. If we are to ask those people who have lived through their 90s, into their 100s, and have been active, healthier, and contributing, we see some commonalities. 

I read about SUPER SENIORS on an almost daily basis. Some of them will talk about having a 'shot of whiskey' every day and THAT is their reason for pushing 10 decades of life. I just have to disagree with their view as I have seen way too many people who are no longer with us have the same habit. Just as with the people who will say that they have a great aunt who has smoke since she was a kid and they are doing well in their 90s - once again, there are just rows and rows of people we drive past in the cemetery showing that that action just doesn't add up to longevity. 

A book I think all longevity seekers should read is 'The Blue Zones', by Dan Buettner. (found here: I think it is a great start for your longevity to reveal how there are a number of communities around the world that live WELL, and well into their 90s and 100s. In fact, it is anticipated they will. 

So what ARE those vital things we should be doing for our longevity? Here are some of the building blocks of the 'Pyramid of Longevity' that is an important part of Empire Longevity:

1. Mental Rest & Focus: Fundamental for us to combat the onslaught of stresses is the ability to take our head out of gear for a time, to rest, and let us be. We also need time to fully engage in things we enjoy doing. One of the simplest things to do for us is to go for a walk in nature, meditate, pray, or listen to instrumental music. We also need to get into a zone of action mentally, to focus and accomplish things. These are two sides of the same coin, but are needed for us to make our longevity. 

2. Motion: We have seen the saying 'Let Exercise be thy medicine'. The cascade of positive things that happen to us and for us when we MOVE on a regular basis has at this time over 70,000 titles you can search through on Amazon and see just how important MOTION is for us. Looking at the '5 Aspects of Motion' from Empire Longevity, we find Cardio, Power, Flexibility, Balance, and Posture. I do all 5 aspects each time I am in the gym, and I am in the gym 4-5 times a week. We will dive into all 5 Aspects in future writings. For now, take a look at the 5 and ask yourself which of these do I do not do, or do not make work effectively enough for me?

3. Rocket Fuel: Let's be honest with ourselves on this one: there are foods we eat which we KNOW are not good for us, that can have detrimental effects on our health, yet we buy them, and consume them on a regular basis. I understand that there is a HUGE industry that has put billions of dollars into advertising and marketing to make all of it acceptable. If I were to ask you "What are three foods you should stop eating?', your answer would be...? So stop with them. And then flood your palate with new and interesting spices and herbs (like the rest of the world does), and discover the simplicity of eating a 'plant forward' diet. It is MUCH easier than you think. And a LOT healthier for you. 

4. GREAT Sleep: What is very interesting about sleep is the amount of energy and focus we put into our children's and infant's sleep that we now disregard because we are adults. We put the kids to sleep at THIS time, yet when I ask you when you go to sleep some of you give me a 2 hour window! WHAT? Make your sleep a massive priority as the dividends for your longevity are incredible. 

5. An Optimized Nervous System: If all these great things you are doing and eating are not able to work at THEIR best because your nervous system is not at It's best, then we are not utilizing their full potential. We test our patients with Heart Rate Variability (HRV) to determine "not if you ARE stressed, but what KIND of stress you are". We then help build you better so that when you add in all those points above, they work better for you. We can help you find someone to test your nervous system with heart rate variability. 

Yes, I understand that you were probably looking for like one, maybe two things to do, and NOT a whole lifestyle overhaul. The reality is that if you want to be physically fit, just doing ab crunches or walking on a treadmill for 20 minutes three times a week just isn't going to cut it. Your longevity is multi faceted. Your longevity has a number of layers that you can easily do. 

Empire Longevity is here to help you. We start with the start: What are we going to do with the list from above?

Stay tuned. 

-Dr. Otto Janke, Chief Pilot

Empire Longevity

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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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